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A true leader fosters young people and spurs them on to greater heights.

An organization that is willing to change will thrive. It all starts from a leader who is willing to change him- or herself.

Concern for young people is what separates a true leader from a despot. Despots manipulate young people. No matter how noble their messages, they only see youth as resources to exploit to satisfy their own purposes.

Fighting spirit spreads like fire from one person to another. A leader’s daring spirit will kindle flames of enthusiasm and inspire an entire organization.

Fostering youth isn’t merely a matter of talking. What counts is the depth of our concern for others, the sincerity of our interactions.

Genuine leadership lies in care and attention to the fine details. To know the circumstances of each and every person and to exercise the utmost care; that is what it means to be a true leader.

It is in enduring pain and struggles that the earth of our humanity is cultivated. And it is from this earth that a capacity to be genuinely concerned for the welfare of others blossoms.

Leaders need to work harder than anyone else and keep striving to develop themselves. Those who have worked hard themselves can appreciate the efforts and challenges of others and offer meaningful support.

One is not a genuine leader if one does not foster capable successors. True success cannot be achieved without fostering talented individuals and nurturing their potential.

One tall tree does not make a forest. Unless other trees grow to the same height, you cannot have a large grove. . . . A true leader is devoted to raising capable people to whom the future can be entrusted.

One thing all great people have in common is modesty. Arrogance is a sign of a lack of true ability.

One who cannot empathize with others will never become a true leader. One of the great misfortunes of our world today is the presence of too many leaders who cannot identify with the plight of others.

Organizations degenerate from the top. Those who assume positions of leadership need to constantly strive to better themselves and to overcome the tendency to become arrogant.

Organizations that foster young people will flourish. Organizations that help young people develop will grow.

People who cease to grow can’t inspire others. Leadership begins with challenging oneself.

Rather than judging people as competent or incompetent, it is best to look for each person’s positive qualities. We should discover and praise their inherent strengths and abilities. Whether or not capable people are fostered comes down to the resolve and effort of the people who take responsibility for their growth.

The difference between a leader and a tyrant is that a leader works hard for the sake of everyone else, while a tyrant makes others work hard for him.

The “greatness” of truly great people lies in their appreciation of the “ordinary.”

The onset of decline begins with the loss of the will to challenge oneself. This is true for both people and organizations. One must remain active. Slacken a bit and momentum is lost. It takes a lifetime of unrelenting struggle to build something worthy, but only a moment to destroy it.

The true worth of a leader rests on one thing: How many people you have fostered to carry your vision forward.

There are always able people; the challenge lies in discovering and fostering them. The irresponsible fail to see them and the self-centered cannot raise them.

When one takes full responsibility, one’s true greatness will manifest. That is when one’s true strength wells forth.

Wisdom doesn’t come with position. It arises from one’s sense of responsibility.

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