Conflict and tension do not in themselves render dialogue impossible; what builds the walls between us is our willingness to remain ignorant of others. This is why it is crucial to be the one to initiate dialogue. Everything starts from there.
[2016 Peace Proposal]
Dialogue is an adventure, an adventure available to anyone. And sometimes it’s an adventure whose outcome can change history.
[Op-ed, “A Civilization Predicated on Dialogue,” Inter Press Service, Aug. 6, 2008]
Dialogue is not some simplistic assertion of one’s own position, nor is it necessarily about persuading others to one’s point of view. Dialogue is about demonstrating respect for another’s life, and being determined to learn when confronted with differences in personality and perspective.
[Op-ed, “A Civilization Predicated on Dialogue,” Inter Press Service, Aug. 6, 2008]
Dialogue starts by clearly recognizing the positions and interests of the parties involved and then carefully identifying the obstacles to progress, patiently working to remove and resolve each of them. Dialogue is the ultimate constructive undertaking of the human spirit.
[Essay, “Moving beyond the use of military force,” in Embracing the Future]
Dialogue starts from the courageous willingness to know and be known by others. It is the painstaking and persistent effort to remove all obstacles that obscure our common humanity.
[Message to Peace Forum Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of Josei Toda’s Declaration Calling for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons, New York, USA, Sep. 8, 2007]
Dialogues are like a drama in multiple acts. There are moments when sparks fly, and moments of sheer delight when chords of sympathy reverberate. Lively, vigorous dialogue is satisfying and overflowing with dynamism.
[Ikeda Daisaku Zenshu (The Complete Works of Daisaku Ikeda), Vol. 134]
Everything begins with dialogue. Dialogue is the initial step in the creation of value. . . . Dialogue is the starting point and unifying force in all human relationships.
[Interview series, “To My Young Friends—Leaders of a New Age,” Seikyo Shimbun, Mar. 28, 2012]
For all of us, to expand the circle of dialogue within our community is to expand the space of comfort and security, the space where we know that we are accepted and have a place.
[2014 Peace Proposal]
Genuine dialogue, rooted in sincere friendship, has the power to overcome differences in ethnicity, to transcend borders and interests, to bring down the walls of division.
[The New Human Revolution, Vol. 30, “Vow” chapter]
How can humankind overcome the crises that face us in the twenty-first century? There is, of course, no simple solution, no “magic wand” we can wave to make it all better. . . . The core of such efforts must be to bring forth the full potential of dialogue. So long as human history continues, we will face the perennial challenge of realizing, maintaining and strengthening peace through dialogue.
[2005 Peace Proposal]
It is in the ocean of dialogue that a person can become truly human. Dialogue is an epic challenge which first requires you to change yourself, rather than trying to change others.
[Ikeda Daisaku Zenshu (The Complete Works of Daisaku Ikeda), Vol. 117]
It is in the resonance of people encountering each other in the fullness of their humanity that the melodies of a new creative energy unfold.
[2016 Peace Proposal]
It is only within the open space created by dialogue whether conducted with our neighbors, with history, with nature or the cosmos that human wholeness can be sustained.
[Lecture at Claremont McKenna College, California, USA, Jan. 29, 1993]
Opening a process of dialogue is the first step toward dispelling the dark clouds of suspicion that are the consistent backdrop to war and conflict. In the interest of global peace, it is vital to avoid isolating any nation or people.
[Essay, “Moving beyond the use of military force,” in Embracing the Future]
Passion inspires passion, and sincerity summons forth sincerity. Genuine dialogue is just this sort of profound life-to-life interaction.
[The New Human Revolution, Vol. 20, “Path of Friendship” chapter]
Rather than fuel the flames of hatred, let’s douse them with a great flood of dialogue that will enrich and benefit all humanity.
[The World Is Yours to Change]
So long as human history continues, we will face the perennial challenge of realizing, maintaining, and strengthening peace through dialogue, of making dialogue the sure and certain path to peace. We must uphold and proclaim this conviction without cease, whatever cold knowing smiles or cynical critiques may greet us.
[2005 Peace Proposal]
The age when silence is considered an indication of wisdom is over. This is an age of the people, an age of dialogue, a time when people must share their opinions and thoroughly discuss things. You must never withdraw into your own world of quiet contemplation. Such withdrawal leads to defeat in life, defeat as a youth.
[Speech at Soka University and Soka Women's College Entrance Ceremony, Tokyo, Apr. 4, 1990]
The courage to meet and talk with people is absolutely crucial. Choosing dialogue is itself the triumph of peace and of humanity.
[Ikeda Daisaku Zenshu (The Complete Works of Daisaku Ikeda), Vol. 134]
The mark of wisdom lies, more than anything else, in the ability to listen.
[Op-ed, “A Civilization Predicated on Dialogue,” Inter Press Service, Aug. 6, 2008]
The true value of dialogue is not to be found solely in the results it produces but also in the process of dialogue itself, as two human spirits engage with and elevate each other to a higher realm.
[Lecture at the University of Palermo, Italy, Mar. 23, 2007]
The two wheels that support dialogue are a belief that everyone possesses goodness within and a spirit of unflagging determination to tap and draw out that goodness. These two points are the indispensable elements for successful dialogue between civilizations and religions.
[Lecture at the University of Palermo, Italy, Mar. 23, 2007]
To have faith in the promise of dialogue is to believe in the promise of humanity.
[Essay, “Moving beyond the use of military force,” in Embracing the Future]
True courage is not found in combative force, it is found in the effort to engage in dialogue. This is when humanity truly triumphs.
[The World Is Yours to Change]
We are not born human in any but a biological sense; we can only learn to know ourselves and others and thus be “trained” in the ways of being human. We do this through immersion in the “ocean of language and dialogue” fed by the springs of cultural tradition.
[Lecture at Claremont McKenna College, California, USA, Jan. 29, 1993]
When we stop looking at ourselves, when we no longer question ourselves, we become self-righteous and dogmatic. Our discourse becomes a one-way street: We cannot hear others, and real dialogue becomes impossible. The kind of dialogue that can create peace with others must start with an open and earnest "inner dialogue."
[The World Is Yours to Change]
Without dialogue, humans are fated to walk in the darkness of their own dogmatic self-righteousness. Dialogue is the lamp by which we dispel that darkness, lighting and making visible for each other our steps and the path ahead.
[2002 Peace Proposal]
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