Curriculum Vitae
November 1, 2024
Born: January 2, 1928
Died: November 15, 2023
Family: Married with with three sons (one who predeceased him)
Interests: Philosophy, music, poetry and photography
Positions Held*
Honorary President, Soka Gakkai (1979–2023)
President, Soka Gakkai International (1975–2023)
President, Soka Gakkai (1960–1979)
*The Soka Gakkai is a global, community-based Buddhist organization promoting peace, culture and education with 12 million members around the world. The SGI is an NGO in consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council since 1983.
Daisaku Ikeda served as the third president of Soka Gakkai and is considered one of the three founding presidents, together with Tsunesaburo Makiguchi and Josei Toda.
Institutions Founded
Toda Peace Institute (1996)
Makiguchi Foundation for Education (1995)
Ikeda Center for Peace, Learning, and Dialogue (1993)
Soka Amazon Institute* (1992)
Victor Hugo House of Literature (1991)
Tokyo Fuji Art Museum (1983)
Komeito Party (1964)
Min-On Concert Association (1963)
Institute of Oriental Philosophy (1962)
*The Soka Amazon Institute was founded by Brazil SGI based on Daisaku Ikeda’s proposal for protecting the ecology of the Amazonian rainforest.
Schools and Universities Founded
Soka International School Malaysia (2023)
Korea Soka Happiness Kindergarten (2008)
Brazil Soka Schools (2003)
Soka University of America (2001)
Malaysia Soka Kindergarten (1995)
Singapore Soka Kindergarten (1993)
Hong Kong Soka Kindergarten (1992)
Soka Women’s College (1985)
Kansai Soka Elementary School (1982)
Tokyo Soka Elementary School (1978)
Sapporo Soka Kindergarten (1976)
Kansai Soka Junior and Senior High Schools (1973)
Soka University (1971)
Soka Junior and Senior High Schools (1968)
Published Works
Numerous works have been translated and published in 50 languages. English language editions include the following:
The Power of Hope: Thoughts on Peace and Human Rights in the Third Millennium with Adolfo Pérez Esquivel (I.B. Tauris, London・New York, 2021); Creating the Culture of Peace: A Clarion Call for Individual and Collective Transformation with Anwarul K. Chowdhury (I.B. Tauris, London・New York, 2020); Toward A Century of Peace—A Dialogue on the Role of Civil Society in Peacebuilding with Kevin P. Clements (Routledge, 2019); Peace, Justice and the Poetic Mind: Conversations on the Path of Nonviolence with Stuart Rees (Dialogue Path Press, Cambridge, MA, 2018); Global Citizenship: Toward a Civilization of Wisdom, Love and Peace with José V. Abueva (Kalayaan College, 2016); Knowing Our Worth: Conversations on Energy and Sustainability with Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker (Dialogue Path Press, Cambridge, MA, 2016); The Humanist Principle: On Compassion and Tolerance with Felix Unger (I.B. Tauris, London・New York, 2016); Reflections on the Global Civilization with Majid Tehranian (revised edition) (I.B. Tauris, London・New York, 2016); The Wisdom of Tolerance: A Philosophy of Generosity and Peace with Abdurrahman Wahid (I.B. Tauris, London・New York, 2015); Walking With the Mahatma with N. Radhakrishnan (Eternal Ganges Press, New Delhi, 2015); Our World To Make with Ved Nanda (Dialogue Path Press, Cambridge, MA, 2015); Living As Learning: John Dewey in the 21st Century with Jim Garrison and Larry Hickman (Dialogue Path Press, 2014); The Art of True Relations: Conversations on the Poetic Heart of Human Possibility with Sarah Wider (Dialogue Path Press, Cambridge, MA, 2014); José Martí, Cuban Apostle with Cintio Vitier (I.B. Tauris, London・New York, 2013); Compassionate Light in Asia with Jin Yong (I.B. Tauris, London・New York, 2013); America Will Be!: Conversations on Hope, Freedom, and Democracy with Vincent Harding (Dialogue Path Press, Cambridge, MA, 2013); The Inner Philosopher: Conversations on Philosophy’s Transformative Power with Lou Marinoff (Dialogue Path Press, Cambridge, MA, 2012); New Horizons in Eastern Humanism: Buddhism, Confucianism and the Quest for Global Peace with Tu Weiming (I.B. Tauris, London・New York, 2011); Into Full Flower: Making Peace Cultures Happen with Elise Boulding (Dialogue Path Press, Cambridge, MA, 2010); The Persistence of Religion: Comparative Perspectives on Modern Spirituality with Harvey G. Cox (I.B. Tauris, London・New York, 2009); Creating Waldens: An East-West Conversation on the American Renaissance with Ronald A. Bosco and Joel Myerson (Dialogue Path Press, Cambridge, MA, 2009); Buddhism: A Way of Values—A Dialogue on Valorisation across Time and Space with Lokesh Chandra (Eternal Ganges Press, New Delhi, 2009); Human Rights in the Twenty-first Century: A Dialogue with Austregésilo de Athayde (I.B. Tauris, London・New York, 2009); Ode to the Grand Spirit: A Dialogue with Chingiz Aitmatov (I.B. Tauris, London・New York, 2009); A Passage to Peace: Global Solutions from East and West with Nur Yalman (I.B. Tauris, London・New York, 2009); A Dialogue between East and West: Looking to a Human Revolution with Ricardo Díez-Hochleitner (I.B. Tauris, London・New York, 2008); A Quest for Global Peace: Rotblat and Ikeda on War, Ethics and the Nuclear Threat with Joseph Rotblat (I.B. Tauris, London・New York, 2007); Revolutions: To Green the Environment, To Grow the Human Heart with M. S. Swaminathan (EastWest Books (Madras), Chennai, 2005); Moral Lessons of the Twentieth Century with Mikhail Gorbachev (I.B. Tauris, London・New York, 2005); Planetary Citizenship: Your Values, Beliefs and Actions Can Shape a Sustainable World with Hazel Henderson (Middleway Press, Santa Monica, 2004); On Being Human: Where Ethics, Medicine, and Spirituality Converge with René Simard and Guy Bourgeault (Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, Montreal, 2002; Middleway Press, Santa Monica, 2003); Choose Hope: Your Role in Waging Peace in the Nuclear Age with David Krieger (Middleway Press, Santa Monica, 2002); Space and Eternal Life: A Dialogue between Chandra Wickramasinghe and Daisaku Ikeda with Chandra Wickramasinghe (Journeyman Press, London, 1998); Choose Peace: A Dialogue with Johan Galtung (Pluto Press, London, 1995); A Lifelong Quest for Peace: A Dialogue with Linus Pauling (Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Boston, 1992; I.B. Tauris, London・New York, 2009); Search for a New Humanity: A Dialogue with Josef Derbolav (Weatherhill, New York & Tokyo, 1992; I.B. Tauris, London・New York, 2008); Dawn After Dark: A Dialogue with René Huyghe (Weatherhill, New York & Tokyo, 1991; I.B. Tauris, London・New York, 2007); Humanity at the Crossroads: An Inter-cultural Dialogue with Karan Singh (Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1988); Human Values in a Changing World: A Dialogue with Bryan Wilson (Lyle Stuart, Secaucus, NJ, 1987; I.B. Tauris, London・New York, 2008); Before It Is Too Late: A Dialogue with Aurelio Peccei (Kodansha International, Tokyo & New York, 1984; I.B. Tauris, London・New York, 2009); Letters of Four Seasons with Yasushi Inoue (Kodansha International, Tokyo & New York, 1980); On the Japanese Classics with Makoto Nemoto (John Weatherhill, New York & Tokyo, 1979); Choose Life: A Dialogue with Arnold J. Toynbee (Oxford University Press, London, 1976; I.B. Tauris, London・New York, 2007).
[For full list, see:]
Philosophical Writings:
The World of Nichiren Daishonin's Writings, Vols. 1–4, with Masaaki Morinaka and Katsuji Sato, (Soka Gakkai Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 2003–05); The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra, Vols. 1–6, Daisaku Ikeda et al. (World Tribune Press, Santa Monica, 2000–03); The Heart of the Lotus Sutra: Lectures on the "Expedient Means" and "Life Span" Chapters, Vols. 1–3 (SGI-USA, Santa Monica, 1995–96); Unlocking the Mysteries of Birth & Death (Macdonald, London, 1988; Middleway Press, Santa Monica, 2003); The Flower of Chinese Buddhism (John Weatherhill, New York & Tokyo, 1986; Middleway Press, Santa Monica, 2009); Buddhism and the Cosmos (Macdonald, London, 1985); Life: An Enigma, a Precious Jewel (Kodansha International, Tokyo & New York, 1982); Buddhism, the First Millennium (Kodansha International, Tokyo & New York, 1977; Middleway Press, Santa Monica, 2009); The Living Buddha: An Interpretive Biography (John Weatherhill, New York & Tokyo, 1976; Middleway Press, Santa Monica, 2008); Buddhism: The Living Philosophy (The East Publications, Tokyo, 1974).
Essays, Addresses and Poetry:
The Light of Learning: Selected Writings on Education (Middleway Press, Santa Monica, 2021); A Forum for Peace: Daisaku Ikeda’s Proposals to the UN (Edited by Olivier Urbain, I.B. Tauris, London · New York, 2014); Journey of Life: Selected Poems of Daisaku Ikeda (I.B. Tauris, London · New York, 2014); Discussions on Youth (World Tribune Press, Santa Monica, 2010); Embracing the Future (The Japan Times, Tokyo, 2008); One by One (Dunhill Publishing, Sonoma, 2004); Fighting for Peace (Creative Arts Book Company, Berkeley, 2004); The World Is Yours to Change (Asahi Press, Tokyo, 2002); Soka Education: A Buddhist Vision for Teachers, Students and Parents (Middleway Press, Santa Monica, 2001); For the Sake of Peace (Middleway Press, Santa Monica, 2001); The Way of Youth (Middleway Press, Santa Monica, 2000); A New Humanism: The University Addresses of Daisaku Ikeda (Weatherhill, New York & Tokyo, 1996; I.B. Tauris, London · New York, 2010); A Lasting Peace, 2 volumes (John Weatherhill, New York & Tokyo, 1981, 1987); Glass Children and Other Essays (Kodansha International, Tokyo & New York, 1979); Songs from My Heart (John Weatherhill, New York & Tokyo, 1978).
Novels and Children’s Literature:
The New Human Revolution, 28 volumes to date (Vols. 1–27, 30) (World Tribune Press, Santa Monica, 1995–2021); The Human Revolution, 2 volumes (includes abridged version of original volumes 1–12) (World Tribune Press, Santa Monica, 2004); Kanta and the Deer (Weatherhill, New York, 1997); Over the Deep Blue Sea (Oxford University Press, London, 1992); The Cherry Tree (Oxford University Press, London, 1991); The Snow Country Prince (Oxford University Press, London, 1990).
“From the Crossroads of Civilization: A New Flourishing of Humanistic Culture” (University of Palermo, Italy, 2007); “A New Humanism for the Coming Century” (Rajiv Gandhi Institute for Contemporary Studies, India, 1997); “Building a Great Spiritual Bridge into the New Century” (University of Havana, Cuba, 1996); “Makiguchi’s Lifelong Pursuit of Justice and Humane Values” (Simon Wiesenthal Center, USA, 1996); “Thoughts on Education for Global Citizenship” (Teachers College, Columbia University, USA, 1996); “Homage to the Sagarmatha (Everest) of Humanism: The Living Lessons of Gautama Buddha” (Tribhuvan University, Nepal, 1995); “Toward the Dawn of Twenty-first Century Civilization” (Ateneo de Santander, Spain, 1995); “Peace and Human Security: A Buddhist Perspective for the Twenty-first Century” (East-West Center, USA, 1995); “Leonardo’s Universal Vision and the Parliament of Humanity” (University of Bologna, Italy, 1994); “The Human Being: A Magnificent Cosmos” (Moscow State University, Russia, 1994); “The Infinite Horizons of Humanism” (Shenzhen University, China, 1994); “Mahayana Buddhism and Twenty-first Century Civilization” (Harvard University, USA, 1993); “The Hopeful Dawn of a Humanistic Civilization” (Brazilian Academy of Letters, Brazil, 1993); “In Search of New Principles of Integration” (Claremont McKenna College, USA, 1993); “The Twenty-first Century and East Asian Civilization” (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China, 1992); “A New Silk Road from the Cradle of Civilization” (Ankara University, Turkey, 1992); “Toward a World without War: Gandhism and the Modern World” (Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti, India, 1992); “The Chinese Humanist Tradition” (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 1992); “The Age of ‘Soft Power’ and Inner-Motivated Philosophy” (John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, USA, 1991); “Peace and Business: Toward a Universal Spirit of Fairness and Justice” (University of the Philippines, Philippines, 1991); “A New Global Awareness” (University of Macau, Macau, 1991); “The Path of Education, the Bridge of Culture: A Personal Observation” (Peking University, China, 1990); “The Cosmopolitan Spirit in a Land of Cultural Fusion” (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1990); “Art and Spirituality in East and West” (Institut de France, France, 1989); “People as the Protagonists of History” (Fudan University, China, 1984); “The Great Path to Peace: A Personal Observation” (Peking University, China, 1984); “Standing at the Crossroads of Civilizations” (University of Bucharest, Romania, 1983); “A Harmonious Fusion of the Cultures of East and West” (University of Sofia, Bulgaria, 1981); “On the Mexican Poetic Spirit” (University of Guadalajara, Mexico, 1981); “Toward a New Vision of ‘The People’: Observations on China” (Peking University, China, 1980); “A New Path to East-West Cultural Exchange” (Moscow State University, USSR, 1975); “Toward the Twenty-first Century” (University of California, Los Angeles [UCLA], USA, 1974).
A Selection of Academic Honors
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (Hon. Doc. Philosophy, 2023, Republic of Korea); University of Minnesota (Hon. Doc. Humane Letters, 2022, USA); National University of Uzbekistan (Hon. Doc., 2019, Uzbekistan); Federal University of Amazonas (Hon. Doc., 2019, Brazil); Central University of Venezuela (Hon. Doc., 2019, Venezuela); University of Alcalá (Hon. Doc. Education, 2018, Spain); DePaul University (Hon. Doc. Humane Letters, 2016, USA); Yerevan State University (Hon. Doc., 2013, Armenia); Thammasat University (Hon. Doc. Philosophy, 2013, Thailand); University of KwaZulu-Natal (Hon. Doc., Social Science, 2013, South Africa); Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Hon. Prof., 2012, Kazakhstan); University of Guelph (Hon. Doc. Laws, 2012, Canada); National Taiwan Normal University (Hon. Prof., 2012, Taiwan); University of Buckingham (Hon. Doc. Letters, 2011, UK); Pukyong National University (Hon. Doc. International and Area Studies, 2011, Republic of Korea); University of Zambia (Hon. Doc. Laws, 2011, Zambia); University of Malaya (Hon. Doc. Humanities, 2010, Malaysia); University of Massachusetts Boston (Hon. Doc., Humane Letters, 2010, USA); George Mason University (Hon. Doc. Humane Letters, 2010, USA); Tsinghua University (Hon. Prof., 2010, China); Université Laval (Hon. Doc. Education, 2010, Canada); Universitas Indonesia (Hon. Doc. Philosophy and Peace, 2009, Indonesia); Queen’s University Belfast (Hon. Doc. Laws, 2009, UK); University College South (Hon. Doc., 2009, Denmark); Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (Hon. Doc., 2008, Dominican Republic); University of Palermo (Hon. Doc. Communication Sciences, 2007, Italy); Visva-Bharati University (Hon. Doc. Literature, 2006, India); Vietnam National University, Hanoi (Hon. Doc., 2005, Vietnam); University of Guadalajara (Hon. Doc., 2004, Mexico); University of Jordan (Hon. Doc. Humane Letters, 2004, Jordan); University of San Francisco Xavier de Chuquisaca (Hon. Doc., 2004, Bolivia); Chinese Culture University (Hon. Doc. Philosophy, 2003, Taiwan); Moscow State University (Hon. Prof., 2002, Russia); Morehouse College (Hon. Doc., Humane Letters, 2002, USA); Royal University of Phnom Penh (Hon. Prof., 2002, Cambodia); Universiti Putra Malaysia (Hon. Doc. Letters, 2000, Malaysia); University of Sydney (Hon. Doc. Letters, 2000, Australia); University of Panama (Hon. Doc., 2000, Panama); Queens College, City University of New York (Hon. Doc. Humane Letters, 2000, USA); Nanjing University (Hon. Prof., 1999, China); Jeju National University (Hon. Doc. Korean Lang. and Lit., 1999, Republic of Korea); University of Delhi (Hon. Doc. Letters, 1998, India); Kyung Hee University (Hon. Doc. Philosophy, 1998, Republic of Korea); National University of Mongolia (Hon. Doc. Humanities, 1997, Mongolia); University of Kelaniya (Hon. Doc. Letters, 1997, Sri Lanka); University of Ghana (Hon. Doc. Laws, 1996, Ghana); University of Havana (Hon. Doc. Humanities, 1996, Cuba); University of Denver (Hon. Doc. Education, 1996, USA); University of Hong Kong (Hon. Doc. Letters, 1996, Hong Kong); Tribhuvan University (Hon. Doc. Letters, 1995, Nepal); University of the North (Hon. Doc. Education, 1995, South Africa); University of Glasgow (Hon. Doc., 1994, UK); University of Bologna (Hon. Doc., 1994, Italy); Federal University of Paraná (Hon. Doc., 1993, Brazil); National University of Asunción (Hon. Doc., 1993, Paraguay); National University of Córdoba (Hon. Doc., 1993, Argentina); Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Hon. Doc., 1993, Brazil); University of Nairobi (Hon. Doc. Letters, 1992, Kenya); Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (Hon. Research Prof., 1992, China); Ankara University (Hon. Doc. Social Science, 1992, Turkey); University of the Philippines (Hon. Doc. Law, 1991, Philippines); University of Buenos Aires (Hon. Doc., 1990, Argentina); Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (Hon. Prof. Law and Political Science, 1987, Dominican Republic); Peking University (Hon. Prof., 1984, China); Fudan University (Hon. Prof., 1984, China); Sofia University (Hon. Doc. Pedagogy and Sociology, 1981, Bulgaria); National University of San Marcos (Hon. Prof., 1981, Peru); Moscow State University (Hon. Doc., 1975, USSR); and others.
[For full list, see:]
Honorary director, Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole, University of Hong Kong (2011, China); honorary member, Russian Academy of Arts (RAA) (2007, Russia); World People’s Poet, World Poetry Society Intercontinental (2007, India); advisory board member, World Centers of Compassion for Children International (WCCCI) (2004, Ireland); honorary advisor, Indian Science Congress Association (2002, India); honorary chairman of the International Appeal Board of Advisers, The Appeal Foundation (2002, Sweden); honorary life member, The Thoreau Society (2001, USA); honorary adviser, Lu Xun Museum (2000, China); honorary adviser, World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA) (1999); honorary member, Társalgó Association (1999, Hungary); honorary member, Photographic Society of Singapore (1999, Singapore); Diplome D’art Photographique, Photo-Club du Val de Bièvre (1998, France); honorary senator, European Academy of Sciences and Arts (1997, Austria); honorary member, The Club of Rome (1996, Switzerland); honorary member, Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences, IOM RAS (formerly Inst. of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences) ( 1996, Russia); foreign member, Brazilian Academy of Letters (1993, Brazil); honorary founding member, Pan African Writers Association (1993, Ghana); overseas member, Weiner Künstlerhaus (Austrian Artists Association) (1991, Austria); Poet Laureate, World Academy of Arts and Culture (1981, USA); and others.
Cross of Friendship Laos (2017, Lao People’s Democratic Republic); Order of Peace, First Class, Ukrainian Peace Council (2012, Ukraine); Goethe Medal, Goethe Society (2009, Germany); Hwa-Gwan Order of Cultural Merit (2009, Republic of Korea); Gold Medal, Sydney Peace Foundation (2009, Australia); Order of Friendship (2008, Russia); Order of Merit of the Italian Republic in the Grade of Grand Officer (2006, Italy); A. S. Pushkin Gold Medal (2005, Russia); Order of Francisco de Miranda, First Class (2005, Venezuela); Global Excellence Award, San Gabriel Valley Chapter, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (2002, USA); Order of Civil Merit “Libertador Simón Bolívar” in the Grade of Grand Cross (2002, Bolivia); Commendation for Peace and Human Rights Contributions, Nelson R. Mandela School of Medicine, University of Natal (2002, South Africa); PRIO Prize, International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (2002, Norway); Equestrian Order of Saint Agatha, Knight of the Grand Cross (2001, San Marino); Education as Transformation Award, Education as Transformation Project (2001, USA); Rizal International Peace Award, Order of the Knights of Rizal (1998, Philippines); Tagore Peace Award (1997, India); Knight Grand Cross of Rizal (1996, Philippines); Simon Wiesenthal Center International Tolerance Award (1993, USA); Rosa Parks Humanitarian Award (1993, USA); Austrian Cross of Honor for Science and Art, First Class (1992, Austria); Knight Grand Cross of the Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand (1991, Thailand); Order of May for Merit in the Grade of Grand Cross (1990, Argentina); National Order of the Southern Cross in the Grade of Commander (1990, Brazil); Order of the Sun of Peru in the Grade of Grand Cross (1984, Peru); Humanitarian Award, UNHCR (1989); Kenya Oral Literature Award (1986, Kenya); Peace and Friendship Cup (1986, China); United Nations Peace Award (1983); and others.
Honorary Citizenships
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