A Lifelong Quest for Peace: A Dialogue
with Linus Pauling
Pub. Year
2009 (latest publication)
I.B. Tauris
(*Acquired by Bloomsbury Publishing in 2018)
Along the fast-paced course of this dialogue emerges a broad yet sensitive glimpse of two men--one a specialist in chemistry, the other a Buddhist—both strongly committed to peace and disarmament as fundamental human rights. Dr. Linus Pauling, recipient of two unshared Nobel Prizes (1954 for chemistry and 1962 for peace), recounts episodes in his life that led him to outspoken advocacy for the peaceful use of science. Daisaku Ikeda, Buddhist leader and recipient of the 1983 UN Peace Medal and 1989 UNHCR Humanitarian Award, shares the foundation of his activities as a citizen diplomat.
Dr. Pauling first met Ikeda in Los Angeles in 1987, then again in 1990 and twice in 1993, before his death in 1994. In these meetings he candidly responds to Ikeda’s questions about his life, sharing stories about his groundbreaking achievements in science, recollections of other scientists and the inspiration of his wife, Ava Helen, on his struggles for peace. Also agreed during their exchange was that an exhibition should be created about Dr. Pauling’s life and legacy, which later came to fruition (Linus Pauling and the Twentieth Century: Quest for Humanity).
Like companion adventurers, Dr. Pauling and Ikeda explore hypotheses about life beyond Earth as well as the range of human knowledge, returning always to the implications—whether contributions or setbacks—for the aims of achieving global peace and disarmament.
A Lifelong Quest for Peace was reissued by U.K. publisher I.B. Tauris in late 2008 with the addition of a bibliography, as part of the 12-volume series "Echoes and Reflections"—to be released over a three-year period—of some of the 50 dialogues that Ikeda has published with international leaders and scholars on subjects ranging from religion, politics, economics, and science to the arts.
A Lifelong Quest for Peace is also available in Japanese, Vietnamese, Korean, Spanish, Tagalog, Chinese (traditional and simplified version), French and Russian.
Preface—Linus Pauling
Preface—Daisaku Ikeda
Foreword—Arthur Kornberg
PART 1 Satisfaction in Living
- Recollections
- Unforgettable and Irreplaceable
- Ava Helen Pauling
- Curiosity About the Universe
- Two Nobel Prizes
- Being a Humanist
- Happiness
PART 2 Science and Humanity
- Is the Possibility of Learning Limited?
- Earth and Planets Other Than Earth
- Society Must Decide
- Reasonableness and a Great Sense of Humor
- When Are There Too Many Hydrogen Bombs?
- Renaissance People
- Still Behaving Like Wolves
- Major Threats
- The Century of Life
- Orthomolecular Medicine
- Stress
- Euthanasia
PART 3 A World Free of War
- The Death of Death
- World War II and After
- Work to Make Ourselves Happy
- A Remarkable Country
- In the Right Direction
- No Full-Scale Nuclear War
- Chernobyl
- Secretary for Peace
- The Immorality of War
- The Dilemma of the Absolute Pacifist
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