Reflections on the Global Civilization: A Dialogue
with Majid Tehranian
Pub. Year
2016 (republication)
I.B. Tauris
(*Acquired by Bloomsbury Publishing in 2018)
Their initial meeting in 1992 began a series of dialogues and correspondences that over the course of eight years became not only an academic or philosophical exchange of worldviews and culture but, more deeply and importantly, an exchange of lasting friendship in common cause. Reflections on the Global Civilization bears the fruits of this ongoing dialogue between Japanese-born Buddhist leader Daisaku Ikeda of Soka Gakkai and Iranian-born Dr. Majid Tehranian, former director of the Toda Institute for Global Peace and Policy Research (later renamed Toda Peace Institute).
Seeking common ground across religious traditions and civilizations, the authors share their views of the Buddhist-Islamic encounters that began in the 7th century along the Silk Road in Central Asia. The exercise brings into relief cultural similarities as well as contrasts transcendently enriched by the master works of Jala-ud-din Rumi, Sa'adi, Shakyamuni and Nagarjuna, among others. In the experiences of daily living—the marketplaces, for example, where knowledge as well as goods were traded irrespective of politics and religion—the authors look at the implications for universal human rights, the mutual flourishing of cultures and peaceful coexistence in the contemporary world.
Neither author is stranger to the tragedies and divisiveness that befall the peoples of nations in conflict. They recount the pivotal events that shaped their hatred for war and their passion to build the resources for peace.
Ikeda founded a number of institutions—among them, the Toda Peace Institute—and has held some 2,000 dialogues internationally with public figures to raise the flag of peace, culture and education. Dr. Tehranian's teaching and research focuses on the international political economy of culture, with specialization in Middle Eastern and Asia-Pacific affairs. The body of their life's work not only propose but attest to the effectiveness and continuing need of dialogue among civilizations. Here, they reaffirm that human security, the hallmark of global society, begins with dialogue that regards life as sacred and inspires faith in humanity.
Reflections on the Global Civilization is also available in Arabic, Chinese (traditional), Dutch, French, Indonesia, Italian, Japanese, Malay, Persian and Thai.
Preface by Daisaku Ikeda
Introduction: A Historic Encounter Between Buddhism and Islam by Majid Tehranian
- Buddhism and Islam: A Dialogue for Peace
- Tolerance and Diversity: The Spirit of Global Renaissance
- From Conflict to Harmony: Dawn of an Age of Diversity
- Dialogue Among Civilizations: Coexistence Among Religions
- The Eternity of Life: Transforming our Lives and Our Consciousness
- Renaissance of the Religious Spirit: Creating Value
- Creating a Global Civilization: The Third Way to Peace
- Spiritual Inspiration: Universal Beacon of Hope for Humanity
- Human Security: Toward a World without Nuclear Weapons
- The Prerequisites for Global Citizenship: A Reciprocity Between the Community and the World
- Choosing Harmonious Coexistence: Moving Toward Global Unity
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