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Planetary Citizenship: Your Values, Beliefs and Actions Can Shape a Sustainable World
with Hazel Henderson

Planetary Citizenship
Pub. Year



Middleway Press



This dialogue between futurist Hazel Henderson and Daisaku Ikeda, Buddhist thinker and president of lay Buddhist movement Soka Gakkai International (SGI), explores the rise of "grassroots globalists," ordinary citizens taking responsibility to build a more peaceful, harmonious and sustainable future. In their dialogue, the two maintain a practical yet profoundly optimistic view of human potential amidst the felt realities of global concerns.

Their own personal life experiences of the health and social costs of environmental pollution and war reveal what personally motivated them to advocacy and activism on a worldwide scale.

From biodiversity to corporate social responsibility, the breadth and scope of sustainable development emerge through the exchanges between Henderson and Ikeda. Thoughts on “human geography” by educator and Soka Gakkai founder Tsunesaburo Makiguchi are introduced in the discussions of “global public goods” and a new economics informed by ecology.

More of the resonance between the approaches of Buddhism and ecology comes to light when the dialogue turns to “revolutionizing” our ways of living and building a “win-win society.” Respect for indigenous peoples, democratizing political institutions and pressing for economic justice are among the many topics discussed.

One chapter traces historical moments in the development of environmental ethics and the inception of the Earth Charter, a document often referred to as a road map of principles and actions toward a sustainable future for all. The supportive efforts of Henderson and Ikeda as well as those of the SGI and affiliated institutions are shared.

This dialogue provides both inspiration and concrete information for any concerned citizen who wants to make a difference, affirming that a positive change of heart in one person can lead to a positive difference in our common future.

Planetary Citizenship is also available in Japanese, Chinese (traditional version), Italian, Portuguese and French.


Introduction by Hazel Henderson
Chapter One: A Life of Civic Action
Chapter Two: The University Called Human Life
Chapter Three: Saving the Mother of Life
Chapter Four: A New Economics
Chapter Five: Thinking Globally, Acting Locally
Chapter Six: Revolutionizing Civilization
Chapter Seven: A Technology To Benefit the Future
Chapter Eight: The Earth Charter and Environmental Ethics
Chapter Nine: The Century of Women
Chapter Ten: The Win–Win Society


Planetary Citizenship is a delightful introduction to some of the most important ideas and facts concerning stewardship of the planet. I cannot think of any book that deals with more important issues.”
—Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, author of Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience

“This extraordinary dialogue moves seamlessly between the personal and the profound, constantly weaving in years of practice, experience and insight. I not only learned a great deal in the presence of these two great wisdom teachers; I also grew clear about what it means to lead a life of dedication and devotion.”
—Margaret J. Wheatley, author of Leadership and the New Science and Turning to One Another

“These conversations are the language of life—a language of hope, a language that illumines the possibility of human existence compatible with the needs of our descendants. Reading this dialogue is like being guided along a path through greed and misconceptions to a decent and sustainable world.”
—Robert A. G. Monks, author of The New Global Investors

Planetary Citizenship reveals a vital blueprint for a compassionate and sustainable world. Hazel Henderson and Daisaku Ikeda make a formidable team stepping forward as humanity’s guides in this great transition to the next stage of social evolution.”
—Barbara Marx Hubbard, president, The Foundation for Conscious Evolution

“Thank God for people like Hazel and Daisaku! Their ideas contain both the core ingredients of individual human fulfillment and the restoration of our planet as a whole.”
—Rosalind Copisarow, founder, Foundation for Social Entrepreneurs

“Using the latest in science and technology to shatter today’s economic paradigm of ‘insatiable individuals competing for scarce resources,’ Planetary Citizenship brings us full circle to the ancient wisdom of indigenous peoples and the sacredness of creation.”
—Rebecca Adamson, president, First Nations Development Institute, Cherokee Nation, U.S.A.

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