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For the Sake of Peace—Seven Paths to Global Harmony: A Buddhist Perspective

For the Sake of Peace
Pub. Year



Middleway Press



For the Sake of Peace presents a vision of establishing global peace in terms that are both passionate and practical. Drawing together key themes from the author’s 20 years of university lectures and proposals to the United Nations, this volume highlights accessible routes which can lead to peace including Self-Mastery, Dialogue and Tolerance and “the Path of Culture.”

In the face of the entrenched violence of our planet, the word “peace” can often carry with it an implicit sense of naivete. Ikeda, however, demonstrates the keenness of someone whose feet are planted firmly in the realities of the world and of the systems that govern it. The analysis he offers is informed as well as insightful. Its originality derives from his understanding of human nature, and his perspective that the human being is not only the basis of social systems and institutions, but also the basis of the problems—and solutions—that have plagued such systems.

The architect and leader of one of the world’s largest and most diverse lay Buddhist movements, Ikeda’s ideas are informed most directly by the life-affirming teachings of Nichiren, the 13th-century Japanese Buddhist teacher and reformer. Ikeda's thinking, however, draws liberally from a rich stream of philosophy that includes Plato, Aristotle, Tolstoy and Gandhi. It is from this broad field of inquiry into the human condition that Ikeda draws his insights, broaching a wide range of topics that includes economics, the environment, religion, disarmament, global citizenship and the role of the United Nations.

Central to Ikeda’s approach is the key role of dialogue in all human affairs. It is a concept that Ikeda has been energetically putting into practice for a number of decades, engaging many of the world’s prominent thinkers and actors in discussion about their specialties and the application of their insights to the issue of peace and human happiness. These discussions naturally inform the current work, adding depth and scope to the book’s global perspective.

The other consistent component of Ikeda’s approach is his belief in the transformative power (and the responsibility) of the individual. One result of this conviction is that Ikeda’s writing speaks directly to the reader in a way that is both engaging and likely to inspire engagement.

For the Sake of Peace is also available in German and Italian.


Foreword by Glen D. Paige, Center for Global Nonviolence

Chapter 1   The Prospect of Peace
Chapter 2   The Path of Self-Mastery
Chapter 3   The Path of Dialogue and Tolerance
Chapter 4   The Path of Community
Chapter 5   The Path of Culture
Chapter 6   The Path of Nations
Chapter 7   The Path of Global Awareness
Chapter 8   The Path of Disarmament
Appendix A:   SGI's Initiatives for Peace
Appendix B:   Proposals for Peace

About the Author


—In 2001, ForeWord Magazine, an American review trade journal covering the independent publishing industry, awarded For The Sake of Peace the Silver Award in the political science category.


“Daisaku Ikeda has walked many paths as a Buddhist leader, educator, poet, philosopher and photographer. But all his paths lead to peace. He is a true citizen of the world and peace leader. In For the Sake of Peace, he describes a path to peace through individual commitment and self-control, dialogue and the creation of cultures of peace. Recognizing the considerable obstacles to creating a peaceful world, he inspires hope that such a world is possible. Any individual who has questioned whether he or she could actually make a difference should read this book, become inspired and walk the path of peace.”
—David Krieger, President, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation

For the Sake of Peace is a passionate, intelligent plea for mindfulness in both individual and societal action…. If all practiced the principles of empathy, dialog, and awareness that Ikeda outlines, the world would experience true peace.”
ForeWord Magazine

For the Sake of Peace is enthusiastically recommended reading for peace activists, students of Buddhist philosophy and those who have followed and appreciated Daisaku Ikeda's work and thought for the past three decades.”
Midwest Book Review

“In an engaging intersection of politics and spirituality, Ikeda's Buddhist perspective of compassion and the interconnectedness of all life infuse this work, creating a bridge to peace for all walks of life, all nations, and all creeds. His own dialogues with such noted world figures as Mikhail Gorbachev, Zhou En-Lai, Arnold Toynbee, and Linus Pauling add flavor and depth to the book's enlightened global approach.”
NAPRA Review

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